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No Choices in Drop Down menu

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 6:13 pm
by Marianna
Hi Norman

I have just imported Norcat v4 into Actinic, I have used the Drop Down menu option in Norcat. The headings Colour and Size appear, but there are no options in them. I get a message from Actinic saying " Script error, 'CreateColsize' is underfined"

I have checked all the stock in T2T and the chosen products have got stock in their cards. Do you know what the problem might be?

Kind Regards


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:58 pm
by norman
For the drop-down to work you need to have copied actiniccore.js and Norcat_Select_Template.html from the appropriate C:\Norcat\Patches\<V7nn>\Templates\ into your Actinic Site folder.

Your error message indicates that you haven't got the replacement actiniccore.js in place. Just copy it in, and things should immediately start working.

If that doesn't help check that the following code is in your actiniccore.js

Code: Select all

// START Norcat Select Code
function CreateColSize(cols, sizes){
// create an empty object holding the colour size range
// END Norcat Select Code
I can send you this file if you tell me your Actinic version (7.0.4, 7.0.5, etc).

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:04 pm
by norman
This Forum doesn't allow attachments so here is the actiniccore.js for 7.0.4 and 7.0.5. just copy and paste the lot on top of your existing one.

Code: Select all

var bPageIsLoaded = false;
* setCookie -	Generic Set Cookie routine
* Input: sName	 -	Name of cookie to create
*	 sValue	 -	Value to assign to the cookie
*	 sExpire -	Cookie expiry date/time (optional)
* Returns: null

function setCookie(sName, sValue, sExpire) 
    var sCookie = sName + "=" + escape(sValue) +"; path=/";	// construct the cookie
    if (sExpire)
    	sCookie += "; expires=" + sExpire.toGMTString();	// add expiry date if present
    document.cookie = sCookie;					// store the cookie
    return null;

* getCookie	-	Generic Get Cookie routine
* Input: sName	-	Name of cookie to retrieve
* Returns:		Requested cookie or null if not found

function getCookie(sName) 
    var sCookiecrumbs = document.cookie.split("; "); 	// break cookie into crumbs array
    var sNextcrumb
    for (var i=0; i < sCookiecrumbs.length; i++) 
	sNextcrumb = sCookiecrumbs[i].split("=");	// break into name and value
	if (sNextcrumb[0] == sName)			// if name matches
	     return unescape(sNextcrumb[1]); 		// return value
	return null;

* saveReferrer -	Saves the referrer to a Cookie
* Input: 		nothing
* Returns:		null

function saveReferrer() 
    var bSetCookie = false;
    if (parent.frames.length == 0)					// No FrameSet
		bSetCookie = true;
    else														// FrameSet in use
		var bCatalogFrameSet = false;
		for (var nFrameId = parent.frames.length; nFrameId > 0; nFrameId--)
			if (parent.frames[nFrameId - 1].name == 'CatalogBody')	// Catalog FrameSet used
				bCatalogFrameSet = true;
		if (bCatalogFrameSet)							// Catalog FrameSet
			if ('CatalogBody')			// and this is the CatalogBody frame
				bSetCookie = true;
		else													// Not Catalog FrameSet
			bSetCookie = true;
    if (bSetCookie)
		var sUrl = document.URL;
		var nHashPos = sUrl.lastIndexOf("#");		// Look for URL anchor
		if (nHashPos > 0)									// if it exists
		    sUrl = sUrl.substring(0,nHashPos);		// then remove it
		setCookie("ACTINIC_REFERRER", sUrl);		// Emulates HTTP_REFERER
	    return null;
saveReferrer();						// For v6 only, should be in templates for v7

* CreateArray	creates an array with n elements
* Input: n	-	number of elements
* Returns:		the created array

function CreateArray(n)
	this.length = n;
	for (var i=1; i <= n; i++)							// for all ns
		this[i] = new Section();						// create a section structure
	return this;											// return the created array

* Section	-	creates the section structure for raw section lists
* Input: 				nothing
* Returns:				nothing

function Section()
	this.sURL = null;
	this.sName = null;
	this.sImage = null;
	this.nImageWidth = null;
	this.nImageHeight= null;
	this.nSectionId	= null;
	this.pChild = null;
* SwapImage			-	swaps an image to the alternative
* Input:	sName		-	name of the image
*			sAltImage	-	filename of the alternative image

function SwapImage(sName, sAltImage)
	var nCount = 0;
	document.aSource = new Array;						// array for images
	if (document[sName] != null)						// if image name exists
		document.aSource[nCount++] = document[sName];	// store image
		if(null == document[sName].sOldSrc)
			document[sName].sOldSrc = document[sName].src;	// store image source
		document[sName].src = sAltImage;				// change image source to alternative

* RestoreImage		-	restores an image to the original
* Input: 				nothing
* Returns:				nothing

function RestoreImage()
	var nCount, aSource = document.aSource;
	if (aSource != null)									// if array of images exists
		for(nCount=0; nCount < aSource.length; nCount++)	// restore all images
			if ((aSource[nCount] != null) &&
				(aSource[nCount].sOldSrc != null))	// if we stored something for this image
				aSource[nCount].src = aSource[nCount].sOldSrc;	// restore the original image

* PreloadImages		-	restores an image to the original
* Input: 				nothing
* Returns:				nothing

function PreloadImages()
	bPageIsLoaded = true;
		if(!document.Preloaded)							// preload array defined?
			document.Preloaded = new Array();		// no, define it
		var nCounter , nLen = document.Preloaded.length, saArguments = PreloadImages.arguments;
		for(nCounter = 0; nCounter < saArguments.length; nCounter++)	// iterate through arguments
			document.Preloaded[nLen] = new Image;
			document.Preloaded[nLen++].src = saArguments[nCounter];
* ShowPopUp		-	creates pop up window
* Input: sUrl		-	URL o page to display
*			nWidth	-	Width of window
*			nHeight	-	Height of window
* Returns:				nothing

function ShowPopUp(sUrl, nWidth, nHeight)
  	{, 'ActPopup', 'width=' + nWidth + ',height=' + nHeight + ',scrollbars, resizable');
	if (!bPageIsLoaded)

// START Norcat additional code
// Image Map and Image List code.
function addxy(choice,row,col){
// look through all forms 'till one containing field choice
 var tf = -1;
 var df = document.forms;
 var i = df.length - 1;
 for ( var j = 0; j <= i; j++)
  var k = df[j].length - 1; 
  for ( var l = 0; l <= k; l++) if ( df[j].elements[l].name == (choice) ) tf = j;
 if ( tf < 0 ) alert('Cannot find product form');

 var e = df[tf].elements;

  for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
    if ((e[i].type == 'hidden') && (e[i].value == 'Add')) e[i].value = '';
    if (e[i].name == choice) e[i].value = 'Add';
    if (e[i].name == 'v_' + choice + '_1') e[i].value = row;
    if (e[i].name == 'v_' + choice + '_2') e[i].value = col;
// END Norcat additional code

// START Norcat Select Code
function CreateColSize(cols, sizes){
// create an empty object holding the colour size range
  this.length = cols;
  this.index = 0;
  this.sizes = sizes;
  for (var i=0; i < cols; i++)						
    this[i] = new SizeRange(sizes);
  return this;	

function SizeRange(sizes){
// add a colour name and size range to CreateColSize object 
  this.colour = '';
  this.image = '';
  this.width = 0;
  this.height = 0;
  this.sizes = new Array();

function AddSizeRange(ref, colour, image, width, height, sizes){
// add a colour name and size range to the list
  var item = eval('x' + ref);
  var current = item.index;
  item[current].colour = colour;
  item[current].image = image;
  item[current].width = width;
  item[current].height = height;
  item[current].sizes = sizes;
  item.index = current

function ShowSizeRange(ref){
// diagnostic display the colour size matrix
  var scaledown = 2;
  var showimage = true;
  var item = eval('x' + ref);
  document.write('<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>');
  for ( var i = 0; i < item.length; i++ )
    if ( showimage && (item[i].image != '') ) 
      document.write('<tr><td align=center><img src="' + item[i].image + '"'
                   + ' width="' + Math.round(item[i].width / scaledown) + '"'
                   + ' height="' + Math.round(item[i].height / scaledown) + '">'
                   + '<br>' + item[i].colour + '</td>');
      document.write('<tr><td align=center>' + item[i].colour + '</td>');
    for ( j = 0 ; j < item[i].sizes.length; j++ ) 
      if ( item[i].sizes[j] != '' )
        document.write('<td>' + item[i].sizes[j] + '</td>');

function SetSelect(ref){
// initalise the two select statements
  var item = eval('x' + ref);
  var thiscolsel = document.getElementById('c' + ref);
  var thissizesel = document.getElementById('s' + ref);
  var nextopt = 0;
  for ( var i = 0; i < item.length; i++ )
    thiscolsel.options[i] = new Option(item[i].colour, i+1);
    if ( i == 0 )
      for ( j = 0 ; j < item[i].sizes.length; j++ )
        if ( item[i].sizes[j] != '' ) thissizesel.options[nextopt++] = new Option(item[i].sizes[j], j+1); 
//  thiscolsel.options[0].selected = true;
//  thissizesel.options[0].selected = true;

function setvalidsizes(indx, ref){
// when a different colour is selected, reset the vaid sizes
  var item = eval('x' + ref);
  var thissizesel = document.getElementById('s' + ref);
  thissizesel.options.length = 0;
  var nextopt = 0;
  for ( j = 0 ; j < item[indx].sizes.length; j++ )
    if ( item[indx].sizes[j] != '' ) thissizesel.options[nextopt++] = new Option(item[indx].sizes[j], j+1); 

function colourselect(ref){
// create the Colour Select tag
  document.write('<select id="c' + ref + '" name="v_' + ref + '_1"' 
               + ' onchange="setvalidsizes(this.selectedIndex, \'' + ref + '\')"></select>');

function sizeselect(ref){
// create the Colour Select tag
  document.write('<select id="s' + ref + '" name="v_' + ref + '_2"></select>');
// END Norcat Select Code