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Displaying an image in the tab title.

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:35 pm
by norman
Just use the embedded HTML capability of Actinic. E.g.

Code: Select all

{!!<<img border="0" src="tab1icon.gif" alt="Wowza" />>!!}
Tab1 content, etc.
{!!<<img border="0" src="tab2icon.gif" alt="Dowza" />>!!}
Tab2 content, etc.
You could also mix text and an image. Just put the text before or after the !!< or >!!.

Actinic should upload the images. If they don't appear on the live site, then add them in via Design / Additional Files.

Tabber was designed for single line text in the tab headings so it'll have to be a very limited height graphic - no more than 10px.