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Removing 'standard' section pages

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:20 pm
by advwebsys
Norcascade is cool.....

We're developing a catalog for a customer and it was just the right thing.

Take a look at

Question is - with the flyout menus in place we don't need the html section pages.

Is there any way to tell actinic to NOT publish them?

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:17 pm
by norman
You can do this but it's perhaps a bad idea.

You'd then have top-level pages that were very thin on text content.

Also search engine spiders won't follow the NorCascade menu and thus the Actinic generated links are even more important.

However you are using a Site Map and as long as this is accessible on your home page then that provides a route to all your pages for these spiders.

If you really want to delete this content then you can do so by going to Design / Options / Sections and setting Default Placement of Section Lists to none.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:23 pm
by advwebsys
excellent point about the search engines.

we have used a somewhat different schema for flyouts on our non-catalog websites, which uses jscript and nested unordered lists. since these are actually embedded in the documents (usually via ssi includes), they are indexed by the robots.

thank you and have a good weekend.