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Quick question....

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:41 pm
by aloebridge123
Hi Norman,

I've just added your menu to a new site of mine (previously - how do I get the formatting right in the checkout pages. It's working right in all the other ones but I can't get the text to move across etc... ... TION=Start

Re: Quick question....

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:15 am
by norman
This is an Actinic V7 site. V7 uses several different Primary Templates for the various phases of the shop. Look in Design / Options / Layouts / Primary Templates and make sure the Norcascade code is in all listed.

Re: Quick question....

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:16 pm
by aloebridge123
Thanks Norman, the code is in each one and the menu is showing, however wehn you look here: - the text in the menu has been padded so that its not over the image.. however when you look here: ... TION=Start - which is in the primarycheckout template it isn't and I can't remember how to pad it across.


Re: Quick question....

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:52 pm
by norman
The cart is definitely using a different Template to the rest of the site. It's really your designer's problem and there's not much I can do other than to suggest you take screenshots of the two pages and compare them one above the other to see what's different.

It may also help to look at these pages on a wide monitor to see that the left hand heading behaves differently between the two sets of pages.