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Adding Extra Navigation to NorCascade's Menu

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 11:10 am
by norman
Here's some example code that if patched into NorCasCade / Advanced / Extra Vars adds a new 5 item top-level menu where the 4th item is the original section tree.

Code: Select all

var top_section_tree_names = new CreateArray(5);
top_section_tree_names[1].sName = "Home";
top_section_tree_names[2].sName = "Cart";
top_section_tree_names[3].sName = "News";
top_section_tree_names[4].sName = "Products...";
top_section_tree_names[4].pChild = section_tree_names; // the Actinic Name Structure goes here
top_section_tree_names[5].sName = "Dummy Nav5";

var top_section_tree_URLs = new CreateArray(5);
top_section_tree_URLs[1].sURL = "index.html";
top_section_tree_URLs[2].sURL = "http://mega/cgi-bin/";
top_section_tree_URLs[3].sURL = "";
top_section_tree_URLs[4].sURL = "index.html";
top_section_tree_URLs[4].pChild = section_tree_URLs; // the Actinic URL Structure goes here
top_section_tree_URLs[5].sURL = "Dummy Link5";

// now replace the Actinic structures with out modified ones
section_tree_names = top_section_tree_names;
section_tree_URLs = top_section_tree_URLs;
Some of the links are dummy ones (and the Cart one refers to my own test server of course) but I hope there's enough there for you to get the idea.


Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 10:56 am
by norman
And here (courtesy of Hinterglem) is the same sort of thing but with the Actinic Sections as part of the menu's 1st level.

Code: Select all

//Create and populate the name array
var top_section_tree_names = new CreateArray(6 + section_tree_names.length); 
top_section_tree_names[1].sName = "Home"; 
var i = 0;
for (i=2; i <= section_tree_names.length + 1; i++)
    top_section_tree_names[i] = section_tree_names[i-1];
    top_section_tree_names[i].sName = top_section_tree_names[i].sName;
top_section_tree_names[section_tree_names.length + 2].sName = "Shopping Basket";
top_section_tree_names[section_tree_names.length + 3].sName = "Checkout";
top_section_tree_names[section_tree_names.length + 4].sName = "Links";
top_section_tree_names[section_tree_names.length + 5].sName = "Site Map";
top_section_tree_names[section_tree_names.length + 6].sName = "Contact Us";

//Create and populate the URL array
var top_section_tree_URLs = new CreateArray(6 + section_tree_URLs.length); 
top_section_tree_URLs[1].sURL = "index.html"; 
var j = 0;
for (j=2; j <= section_tree_URLs.length + 1; j++)
    top_section_tree_URLs[j] = section_tree_URLs[j-1];
top_section_tree_URLs[section_tree_URLs.length + 2].sURL = "";
top_section_tree_URLs[section_tree_URLs.length + 3].sURL = "";
top_section_tree_URLs[section_tree_URLs.length + 4].sURL = "links.html";
top_section_tree_URLs[section_tree_URLs.length + 5].sURL = "site-map.html";
top_section_tree_URLs[section_tree_URLs.length + 6].sURL = "contact-us.html";

//Replace the actinic arrays with the overridden values
section_tree_names = top_section_tree_names;
section_tree_URLs = top_section_tree_URLs;

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 4:34 pm
by bwshop
A quick question - what's the maximum number of 'extra buttons' you can enter into this codin (when you change the Array# also)?

Just out of interest...

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:06 pm
by norman
There's no limit. Just increase both those 6's by whatever you need.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:04 am
by bwshop