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Javascript Issue

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:21 pm
by stuarthutchinson
I am trying to start with one of the drop downs in the open position. I have set the DefaultExpanded to [index1] and this opens the menu correctly but I keep getting the following error "index1 is undefined". I am sure this is something simple, but not to hot on all things javascript.

Can you assist.



Re: Javascript Issue

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 3:05 pm
by norman
Index1,index2 are numbers. So use [0] if you want the first entry to be shown open. Use [0,1] if you want the first 2 entries shown open, etc.

You can also leave this at the default [] setting and set variable OneMustOpen to true. This will show the menu open at the approriate page on the product pages and the first section will be shown open if on non product pages.