I have been integrating NorCascade into V9 of Actinic and everything seemed to be ok until I used the back button and on occations the menu resets to the top left of the screen until you scroll then the menu resets into the anchor spot.
Any ideas what could be causing this? The website is http://www.fruitsaladretro.co.uk, but it is still in a very developmental state.
Menu resetting to top left of screen
Re: Menu resetting to top left of screen
Hi, Jason
On some of your pages, you've got the NorCascade code below the <body ...> tag. You need to move this code to above the </body> tag if you intend to use named anchors.
Also set the anchor to be
<a name="norCascadeMenu" id="norCascadeMenu" />
I see
<a name="" id="norCascadeMenu" />
on some pages.
On some of your pages, you've got the NorCascade code below the <body ...> tag. You need to move this code to above the </body> tag if you intend to use named anchors.
Also set the anchor to be
<a name="norCascadeMenu" id="norCascadeMenu" />
I see
<a name="" id="norCascadeMenu" />
on some pages.
Re: Menu resetting to top left of screen
Thanks Norman,
Seems to be working fine now.
Seems to be working fine now.