reinstalling lightbox after resinstalling actinic?

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reinstalling lightbox after resinstalling actinic?

Post by sean_jackson »

I had to resintall actinic afresh and now where my light box images were there is code such as:

dpimagesupport.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in main on line 4 Warning: (null)(): Failed opening 'dpimagesupport.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;c:\php4\pear') in main on line 4
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: fitandscaleimage() in main on line 83

..after reading the ReadMe file within my old lightbox folder it states I should unzip the folder (lightbox) into my destination site folder - then go to that folder and double click lightboxsetfiles.cmd.

Well I've gone to my lightbox folder but cannot see this file inside - only the ones I've included in my attachment.

1/ Is this the correct process I'm following for the situation i'm in?
2/ Have I an incomplete file set and this file is missing please - anyone/norman?

Thank you.

lightbox_files.GIF (11.93 KiB) Viewed 23132 times
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Re: reinstalling lightbox after resinstalling actinic?

Post by norman »

This error is because all the files have not been unzipped into your Site folder. The missing file causing the error is "dpimagesupport.php" and it's clearly there (#2) in the Zipfile screenshot you sent.

Make sure that anti-virus or other security software isn't interfering with the unzip.

You should follow the instructions in the ReadMe from the Zipfile as that "lightboxsetfiles.cmd" is from an older and different version of Lightbox to the one you're showing me above.
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Re: reinstalling lightbox after resinstalling actinic?

Post by JennyS »

I have restored a backup of Actinic v10 from a site where Lightbox was working fine into a new site (v10). On the new site I am getting the message "Warning: include_once(dpimagesupport.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in main on line 4 Warning: include_once(): Failed opening 'dpimagesupport.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in main on line 4".

I have ensured all the extracted files are in my new site folder, I've included dpimagesupport.php in the additional files, I have checked the ftp and can see dpimagesupport.php on the website within the acatalog folder.

Here's an example:

Any other ideas of things to check would be very much appreciated.
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Re: reinstalling lightbox after resinstalling actinic?

Post by norman »

File dpimagesupport.php needs to be in your Site folder. And you need to restart Actinic after putting it there.
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Re: reinstalling lightbox after resinstalling actinic?

Post by JennyS »

dpimagesupport.php is in the site folder, I've closed Actinic, reopened it and published to web, but still have the problem.
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Re: reinstalling lightbox after resinstalling actinic?

Post by norman »

I'm afraid that the error is inexplicable to me. If the dpimagesupport.php file is in your Site folder, then SD should be finding it and not showing a warning message.

What's even weirder is that the patch appears to be working as the small icon is being displayed and the Lightbox works.

It may be worth re-installing Actinic (or trying again on a spare machine) to see if that clears it.
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Re: reinstalling lightbox after resinstalling actinic?

Post by JennyS »

I've done a full website refresh and all's working well now. Many thanks for your help.
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Re: reinstalling lightbox after resinstalling actinic?

Post by norman »

Good to know it's fixed. Even though the error was somewhat inexplicable.
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