Edit layout TabbedProductDescription and look for the line:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
$lboxicons= <<<TBLBOXICONS
<actinic:variable name="Lightbox" value="Lightbox Image List" />
if ( strlen(trim($lboxicons)) )
if ( preg_match('/(.*?){}(.*)/s', $desc, $bits) ) // optional {} signifies end of tabbed text
$desc = $bits[1] . '{IMAGES}' . $lboxicons. '{}' . $bits[2];
$desc = $desc . '{IMAGES}' . $lboxicons;
The IMAGES tab will only show (as last or only tab) if a some Lightbox images are defined.
You will also need to turn off the usual display of the Lightbox images.
If using Lightbox V4, there is a setting, LightboxProductIconsPosition that you can set to None.
If using Lightbox V3 or earlier, you will have to switch to a product layout that doesn't contain Lightbox Image List (or edit that layout out of your existing product layout).
Tested on SD 2013 with Lightbox V4.0.8 and jQuery Tabber V4.09.