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Automating Magic Zoom Images

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:10 pm
by leej
Hi Norman,
I have a client who has asked whether the zoom image plugin could be tweaked in any way to automate the application of multiple zoom images dependent upon the image file name. His thoughts were as follows:
Actinic may have the name of the image already in the field – e.g. OT2002.JPG for the zoom / OT2002_TN.JPG for the thumb. Multiple images could be named for example OT2002_2.JPG, OT2002_3.JPG ; if the image is there it is used, if not there is no multiple image. This way we create the images and it automatically update the sites?
If the filenames were had a stringent naming convention (e.g. [productref].jpg, [productref]_tn.jpg, [productref]_2.jpg, etc ) could this be achieved?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Re: Automating Magic Zoom Images

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:55 am
by norman
My add-ons that display small icons don't need separate files for these thumbnails. Such icons are created automatically.

So the request boils down to just detecting if there exist files like <productref>_1.jpg, <productref>_2.jpg, etc. This would be do-able at additional cost as custom PHP code would be needed.

Also, you'd have to be sure that your product references are such that they don't contain any characters that are invalid in file-names (like / for example).

As this would require paid for work it may be best to continue via email.